Manufacturing and Design Portfolio
For years, 3Dferoze has helped creatives and startups bring their ideas into reality. We have designed solutions in Biotech, Healthcare, Athletics, Automation, Entertainment, and Audio industries. Below are a handful of prototypes and projects we have worked on!

Building the TronXY X5sa

VzBot 3D Printer (December 2021-Present)
At the start of my 3D printing journey, I knew that the technology was nowhere near perfect. My goal at the beginning of the pandemic was to turn my Ender 3 into a workhorse. When I realized that it was near impossible to do with an ender 3, I looked into corexy machines. An affordable alternative to the oh-so-popular Voron was a Vzbot. Being a machine developed off of a TronXY x5sa, it was built to be affordable and cutting edge. Here is my VzBot build log.

Comparison of original rack, and 1st iteration design.

Pipette Racks (2022-2023)
Many industrial and research pipette machines use proprietary equipment, such as racks, which can cost companies $500+ for a single, plastic rack. When a company looking to reduce costs reached out to us in search for a work around, we lept at the idea. Recreating the original over two iterations, 3Dferoze delivered 12 customized racks to the customer, at a fraction of the market price.

Molecularly Accurate ATP Synthase
"Large, complex molecular machines like ATP synthase pose difficult problems for structural scientists, so the structures of these machines are often determined in parts. This model shown here is a composite of four different structures, combining structures determined by X-ray crystallography and NMR spectroscopy." Using a software called ChimeraX, we were able to visualize the amino acid strands into a 3D model, which we then 3D printed and assembled into the final model.

1st Iteration

Scan of Nipple mapped to top of baby bottle

1st Iteration
Customized Baby Bottle (2023)
Designed for a bio-tech startup aiming to customize baby bottles to the baby to make the transition from breast feeding to sippie cups easier, these baby bottles integrated 3D scans and existing models to create a high quality, production ready bottle.

Tubble Bottle Mock-Up
A client reached out to us and asked for a quick mockup of a bottle needed as a minimum viable product. 5 hours later, we sent them a watertight bottle with a functioning cap and customized outer shell.

Figurine Modified for Manufacturing (2022)
An individual reached out to us asking for an existing model to be printed at a much larger scale. Eventually, we delivered a 3D printed model with a re-meshed file that split up the model for easier manufacturing, and moving joints, integrating magnets.

Grant from The Awesome Foundation to bring this idea to reality at Rochester Maker Faire 2019.

3D Printed Scale R2D2 (Nov 2019-Present)
Starting in the fall of 2019, R2 has been my favorite ongoing project. I'll post a build log later this month. For now, here are some pictures of the process, starting with the grant I got to build it.

3D Printed Props
Ever since I got my 3D printer, I have printed and painted tv and movie props. Here are some of my favorite props.

Started out small

Manufacturing Faceshields (March 2020-January 2021)
At the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, I saw the need to fill the production gap of factories producing necessary face shields. During the first few months, I produced shields by myself. However, as the pandemic progressed, I quickly realized that I would need help. So I started a team. Dan K. and Viet Q. helped me along the way to produce over 3,000 Face Shields for those in need.

Two different sized magnets embedded in finished parts

Modular Snooker Bridge (2021-present)
Starting from a sketch on a napkin, this is a finalized prototype for a snooker bridge with interchangeable parts. Starting out with recreating a normal "x" bridge design, we started shaving off weight, and integrating a modular system that allowed for one base to interface with multiple, adjustable "necks". 14 iterations later, after testing meshing gears, friction, four types of thermoplastics, and various threading options, we finalized the design for metal production.

This was a prototype and was meant to hold a pen. Click the image to get a video demo

The middle bearing of the scara robot in the background.

This was a prototype and was meant to hold a pen. Click the image to get a video demo
3D Printed 4-Arm Scara Prototype (Oct 2019)
This was a prototype of a 4-arm parallel Scara Robot. Using two 9g Servos, I was able to make a working movement loop. Click on the image to see the video demo. Later on, I moved from 4-arm to five-arm, meaning the distance between the motors was increased. I also switched to Nema 17 motors with encoders. Here is a link to the 5-bar forward kinematics demo:

Here is the actual robot. Kinda cute, no?

Here is the actual robot. Kinda cute, no?
OpenCV Tracking Platform (Jan 2021-Nov 2021)

Here is my finished bluetooth stereo system. The subwoofer can be removed for portability.

These are the beginning designs for the subwoofer. This is the 4" speaker used.

This was made in 2015 out of cardboard and hot glue. It started it all!

Here is my finished bluetooth stereo system. The subwoofer can be removed for portability.
Portable Bluetooth Stereo System (Jul 2021- Dec 2021)
For this system, I used this amp paired with old bookshelf speakers from an uncle. The 4" subwoofer can be found anywhere online. I will post the files soon.

Here is v2 of the InfiniteScope smartphone microscope. I printed this for a school in Karachi Pakistan.

Here is v1 without any 3D printed parts.

Here is v2 of the InfiniteScope smartphone microscope. I printed this for a school in Karachi Pakistan.
3D Printed Smartphone Microscope (March 2019)
Using a laser-cut kit, and 3D printed parts, I was able to make a cheap and easy-to-use microscope. Here is (the company's)InfiniteScope's Instagram.

The animatronic eyes without EYES!

The animatronic eyes without EYES!
3D Printed Animatronic Eyes (Sep 2019)
Using cheap 3D printers and free files, I am able to make a system to emulate human emotions through eyes. You can find a demo on our youtube. I used these designs and tutorials: http://www.nilheim.co.uk/latest-projects-and-blog/simplified-3d-printed-animatronic-dual-eye-mechanism

CR10 Turned Pen Plotter (July 2021- Sep 2021)
These are some prints from my 850mm x 630mm/425mm x 315mm pen plotter designed to use parts from a broken CR10 3D printer.